Effect of yeast-based nutrient mixtures on fermentation performance for Lactobacillus and Streptococcus species

Cole REEDY (a), Shawn NELSON, Ph.D. (a), Daniel NOBLE, Ph.D (a), Nana BAAH APPIAH-NKANSAH, Ph.D. (a), Jing GENG, Ph.D. (b), and Eric ORIOL, Ph.D. (b)

a: Procelys by Lesaffre, Milwaukee, WI, USA
b: Procelys by Lesaffre, Maisons-Alfort, France

Yeast based nutrients (YBN) are commonly used as sources of essential nutrients for microbial fermentation processes in a wide variety of applications. As each microbial species is unique, there is no YBN that will work for all applications. In this work, we apply the custom media formulation process at Procelys to study the effect of complex YBN mixtures on fermentation performance of Lactobacillus and Streptococcus species . 

The synergistic effect of these YBN was tested by varying the ratio of each ingredient in the YBN mixture to find the optimum nutrients for each organism. In all cases tested , in the correct ratio , the synergistic effect of the YBN ingredients in the mixture was able to match or improve upon the fermentation performance of the industry standard in terms of biomass production and fermentation kinetics. The results of this work could lead to more optimized application based YBN formulations.