A Metabolic Approach for Probiotics and Production Process Development:
A Staphylococcus carnosus Case Study 

Axel ANDRE (a), Magali CROS (b), Cecilia SOCOLSKY (c), Romain BELLI (d), Paul GIANNASCA (e), Eric ORIOL (b), Stéphane  DUBOUX (a). 

a: Nestlé Research, Institute of Material Sciences
b: Procelys by Lesaffre Development and Applications 
c: Lesaffre Institute of Science and Technologies
d: Lesaffre yeast extract R&D
e: Nestlé Health Science 

The objective of this work is to develop a metabolic approach for probiotic development. Specifically, probiotics were hypothesized to regulate host inflammation through aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) modulation by tryptophan metabolites. 

The work focuses on the identification and production of a bacteria able to catabolize tryptophan and decrease in-vivo the host inflammation through engagement of the AhR. 

This study high lights the rational evaluation and selection of probiotics trains for human health based on the intersection of microbial and host metabolic path ways, and the use of this information to optimize processes for biomass production.