Do you know what the human microbiome is and why it is essential to nurture it to keep it healthy?

The gut microbiome, consisting of trillions of microorganisms in our gastrointestinal tract, plays a crucial role in digestion, immune function, and overall health. Recent studies have shown that the health of our gut microbiome can have a significant impact on various aspects of our health, including mental health, weight management, and even the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

However, when our gut microbiome becomes unbalanced it can lead to dysbiosis, which can cause many health issues, including irritable bowel syndrome and other gut-related diseases. Scientists are now working on special therapies that can reintroduce essential microbes when the gut microbiome is faced with dysbiosis, known as biotherapeutics.

Suporting the microbiome throughout life is essential which is why Procelys by Lesaffre has created innovative yeast-based nutrients, which can support the successful cultivation of microbes for next-generation live biotherapeutics product development!

Download the inforgraphic and learn more about our ProCelÒ Biome yeast-based nutrients used for making products to support the microbiome!